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Vasos Christou {My expressions on the Finland meeting} PDF Print E-mail
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Written by Christou Vasos   
Thursday, 22 November 2007

Hi everybody my name is Vasos Christou and I attended the third annual meeting of the Comenius Project team in Finland.

 I personally think it is a experience of a life time and I think I will never have the chance to go to Finland again.

Before we left for Finland all of us where very excited of going there also we didn't know what to expect! Once we got on the plane there was no turning back.

 When we got to the Kellokosken ylaaste ja Lukio we met our host families our fellow students from Germany, Poland, Greece, Bulgaria. During the week in the mornings we spent it with my Cypriot friends{Alexandra,Alexandros,Myria and Skevi} and in the afternoons we staied with our host families. Some nights we would all meet up and play games, talk, go bowling and even go to the cinema etc. with our host students. They even took us one day to Helsinki and to a museum. Another day we done some dictionaries and done some cooking activities One day we went ice-skating with our host students and guess what all of us fell  except Skevi she is a natural talent.

The day before we left nobody of us wanted to leave because we had so much fun for the one week we had there. On the last day of our stay we where doing our last preparations to come back to Cyprus. Everybody was very happy to come back to their families and also very sad we had to leave.We all met for the last time and it was a very emotional moment for all of us Cypriot pupils.We got in the taxi that was waiting for us and left for the airport. All in all it was a wonderful time and a one of expirience. If I had the chance and who ever has the chance to do It, you have to do it I would for shure.

Yours with pleasure,

Vasos Christou

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