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Our first project work - the logo competition PDF Print E-mail
Written by Michael Nacke   
Thursday, 09 August 2007

The logo competition 2006

 (August-November 2006)

Our students first common activity was the logo competition. There were logo competitions for our COMENIUS PROJECT in all seven schools. The best logos were brought to Bulgaria. On our presentations day in Razlog  we choose the best logo in an election. The winners were the students of Cyprus.

Here you can see the logos that have been in the draw: 

The cypriot logo, the winner: You can see a small owl sitting on a book. Above it's head there are two hands shaking each other. Above the hands you can see the european stars that are surrounded by the flags of our coutries.


 The Bulgarian logo / Razlog:A book in the middle, on it's pages the word knowledge in our 6 languages, a feather, the sun is shining onto the book, all is surrounded by the European stars.


The finnish logo: A circle, in it's middle there is the peace sign, surrounded by the flags of our partner coutries with their names above the flag


The second Finnish logo


The third Finnish logo

 The first Polish logo


The second Polish logo

The third Polish logo

The logo of Germany

The logo of Bulgaria, Sofia

The greek logo, Crete




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