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The It-workshop in Cyprus PDF Print E-mail
Written by Maria Kostandinova   
Sunday, 01 June 2008

Hi everybody!

Greetings from Razlog, Bulgaria!

We’d like to share our opinion about the IT Workshop in Cyprus.

As all the teenagers in the world we like IT very much. We use our PCs for many things:to chat, write e-mails,look for some useful information and do project work.We can also use some amazing programs as Skype,MSNand ISQ.

In the IT Workshop in Cyprus we had the possibility to learn  how to design our profiles,how to put our photoes on the website and make them to move.We also learned how to include the pictures into a video.We learned some details about the project site and its possibilities.It was very interesting and helpful for us. We had great teachers-Michael Nacke from Germany and Jyrki from Finland.

It was very interesting and funny.

                                                                     Mariya Kostadinova and Mario Tumbev

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