Durchsuchung der Leichen der durch Genickschuss ermordeten Zwangsarbeiter nach Personalpapieren durch einen sowjetischen DP, Suttrop. Fototext: "Members of the U.S. Ninth Army occupying Suttrop, Germany, were led by informers to a huge common grave containing bodies of 57 Russians including many women and one baby, who were forced to dig their own grave, made to kneel at the edge of it so that their dead bodies fell into the grave when they were shot. German civilians were made to exhume bodies on orders of American officers so that with the aid of Russian displaced persons the victims could be identified, and then made to rebury them in individual graves. Here Russian displaced persons look over papers found on the victims in the hope of identification." Freigabe durch den Field Press Censor am 05.05.1945.

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