Schloss Horst, Detail Auferstehungskamin

Gelsenkirchen, Schloss Horst - Auferstehungskamin

Besondere Glanzstücke der Innenausstattung von Schloss  Horst sind die großen Bildkamine aus Baumberger Sandstein. Ursprünglich waren es mindestens neun Kamine, die teils erst nach 1571 entstanden. Lediglich der Auferstehungskamin, hier ein Detail, befindet sich noch an seinem ursprünglichen Platz im großen Saal des Eingangsflügels.


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Art and Architecture

Presented here are architectural monuments that were influenced by art and styles, construction, and design from other regions or countries. Many of them can be traced back to foreign architects, artists, or craftsmen. Trading cities such as Dortmund and Duisburg always had contacts and intensive exchange with other places in Europe. But large parts of today’s Ruhr Region were more likely to lie in the periphery of the “great” art regions until the pre-industrial era. Ever since the middle of the 19th century, as the Ruhr Region transformed into the center of German coal, iron, steel and heavy industries, and many business relationships developed in other regions of Europe, an increasing number of foreign artists have been commissioned in the Ruhr Region. The buildings and artwork they created had influences that were in some instances exemplary and defining, and noted beyond the region.

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